Pack of 20 defective Raspiboy PCB


This is a pack of 20 defective Raspiboy PCB

Out of stock

SKU: RaspiboyPCBDefectivePack Category:


This is a pack of 20 defective Raspiboy PCB which are designed to stack on pi zero to bring the following features :
  • 3.7V Lipo support and 5V boost
  • Audio amplification for mono speaker
  • USB 2.0 hub with FE1.1S chip.
  • AV to RGB24 video signal with AMT630A chip supporting the classic 3.5″ 320*240 LCD.
Those boards are designed to be used in a game console kit called Raspiboy. Though those boards are defective in one way or the other so they couldn’t be sold in the kit. Some have video issues. Some have power issues. Some USB issues….
While they can’t be used in the kit because if any of the functions doesn’t work then the console doesn’t work, that doesn’t mean that they are useless as the rest of the functions work properly.
Sold as is.

Price is 19€/20pcs. You can take several pack of course.

This is v1.1 of the PCB.