

(30 customer reviews)


Please choose between Normal and Pro editions. Pro has a joystick and other additional features.

SKU: Retrostone2 Category:


RetroStone2 is a handheld console that use a A20 processor. This is the equivalent of a single board computer with external peripheral to make it convenient for video games, specially for retrogaming.

This is designed to be compatible with Armbian distribution of Linux, as well as with Retrorangepi the Allwinner version of the famous Retropie emulation software.

Please note that RetroStone2 does not come with any software, it should be considered as a single board computer. You will have to install the software to the memory card (which is really easy by the way). Tutorial can be found HERE

Please note that we ship from Shenzhen in China. For EUROPEAN UNION customers, the VAT is INCLUDED.

For the rest of the world : Please note that we are not responsible for delays if your packet is handed to your country custom service. Some custom taxes may apply depending on your country. Any duties and taxes for international shipments are the responsibility of the customer.

Contents :

  • RetroStone2
  • microSD card with adapter microSD-SD
  • Pack of extra buttons

Charger (micro-USB 5V 1.5A+) is not included. (Because most people have tons of such chargers at home.)

See full description here :

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg

Grey, Clear-blue


Normal, Pro

30 reviews for RetroStone2

  1. Dirk Möller (verified owner)

    I am super satisfied with the RetroStone2! All the classic Nintendo Games from SNES and the whole GB family work good. The screen is awesome!

  2. montalent (verified owner)

    After the configuration step ( very good tutotrial here :, quite simple), It is a great pleasure to play all the games you want (snes for me, but all the 32 bits and less ! ) ! Mostly, it is easy to run games ( not already in the retrostone, but very simple to get them, just write the name and ROM in your web browser and for free), if you have problem the forum is very active !
    I play game boy, snes, mega drive, colecovision (many other possible) everywhere with my retrostone 2, and I can play on TV too and with friends ! I was a dream for me when I was young, and now this dream come true !

  3. RGHandhelds (verified owner)


    I received the Retrostone 2 device from Pierre & the first thing that strikes you from the original Retrostone devie is the pure quality of the device and the amazing newer screen. They have done a great job on the Pro device adding newer features and welcome improvements like adding m.2 ssd support, hi res screen, glass screen, wifi-bluetooth, 8Gb NAND not in use yet but soon it will. The device has been very easy to transfer my games onto the device i simply used my .m2 ssd as a backup with all my games on them simply transfer them to the ssd card all from the RS2 device using the desktop environment could not be easier. Going forward i will look forward to what projects are released in the future and what newer improvements in the next version until then grab yourself a RS2 Pro you won’t be disappointed now shipping with a analog joystick control too on latest model.

    New website
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  4. Peng Li (verified owner)

    Received it last month. It is a good designed product. I like the HD screen, It’s Very suitable for retro games. And it has HDMI, wifi, bluetooth. I can play it in the subway,
    or connect TV , gamepads play with family. Nice!!
    Hope there is a more powerful CPU version in the future, then it can support more games. And the OS need to be optimized

  5. CosicasF9 (verified owner)

    I get the clear blue case Kickstarter limited edition Pro version and is awesome. It works pretty fine, the screen is superb, bright, sharp, colorful. Easy to configure and use, Retrorange comunity are doing great updates, so with some time it will better. At this time is powerful enough to work and play.
    I did a review of this console, if you want to see it:

  6. brettski900 (verified owner)

    I have the RS2 Pro. I love it still working out getting the ssd running but the support in the forums has been very helpful. Support is great and I am in love with the RS2. Very easy to use great screen. I thought the RS1 was perfect but now with the upgraded screen this is a game changer. I have almost all of the 2019 Chinese handhelds and this blows them out of the water in terms of quality and performance. Definite buy 100%

  7. Maik Oberländer (verified owner)

    Der Retrostone 1 war schon der Hammer. Aber der Retrostone 2 mit dem besseren Display usw…Genial!

  8. tofos (verified owner)

    It’s like a dream from where I was a kid come true. You have to take some time to configure it, but once it’s done, it’s just great. Everything I tried (GBC, GBA, NES, SNES) is working smooth, construction is solid and feels great. Can’t recommend it more!

  9. Psychosteve (verified owner)

    Really nice device : professional finish, light, compact and working well.

    I ran into some issues at first but after taking care of them i must admit this project deserve the attention ! Like any other “pi” device you can customize the sotware part like you want (adding boxarts, wheel logos, UI icons, personnal gamelists,…etc). I can’t wait for the next update to play PSX games with achievements on it (still at retroarch 1.7.8 without PSX and Sega CD).

    I have a Youtube channel dedicated to retro games so maybe i’ll make a proper review on it.

  10. (verified owner)

    thank you! super gerät!

  11. SS64 (verified owner)

    This is a really nice device! The device is solid with good quality and have perfect emulations for all 8 and 16 bit consoles. The flexibility of this device with both USB ports and hdmi makes it the ultimate travel companion to hook up to the hotel room TV 🙂

    Highly recommended product!!

  12. George M (verified owner)

    I love my RetroStone2! I wasn’t sure if it was going to live up to the hype, but after playing with it for a few weeks, I find myself choosing this one over my GPi, as well as over playing on my Nvidia Shield with RetroArch. The screen is gorgeous and it handles a wide variety of games well (though it does struggle with Dreamcast making most titles not playable, and N64 on some games). My only wish was that it had a better chip to allow Dreamcast and full N64 emulation. Even with that, it is a great system. My two kids (8 and 6) also choose the RetroStone over the GPi when I let them choose which retro system they want to play on. Highly recommended!

  13. Max

    CPU zu schwach
    Probleme mit BT und WiFi

  14. Cyril Blazy (verified owner)

    Excellent work and feedbacks from Pierre, the creator. And the final product is great. Like a reeam Retropie in your pocket !

  15. Felix Henning (verified owner)

    I really LOVE my Retrostone 2, no question!
    I can play all the retro games I love, inkluding Playstation 1, which is really awesome!!!
    I do substract one star because it was said it could play up to Playstation Portable and N64. This is only very limited the case. So far there is about 3 games for PSP and about 3 games for the N64 that are playable. The rest stutters very heavy. That doesn‘t bother me, though because I love playing all the other consoles. But since it was said that PSP and N64 would be supported I substract the one star.
    Everything else about the Retrostone is truly a 5 Star!
    Love it!

  16. Matthias (verified owner)

    I am very happy with my Retrostone. Works great.

  17. Andre S. (verified owner)

    Der Retrostone 2 ist einfach perfekt. Super Verarbeitung und ideale Akkulaufzeit. Funktioniert super mit einer 400GB MicroSD Karte die 95% gefüllt ist.

  18. Jakob

    The Retrostone 2 is not ready to go as you get it out of the box. You have to be aware that there is a little work to install the OS.
    That was not complex. I never had a RasPi or similar and managed to follow the step by step instructions and was done within half an hour.
    The OS even comes with a program to copy ROM images from an USB Stick within seconds.
    Great stuff! Highly recommended for every retro gaming fan.

  19. Antonello Latronico (verified owner)

    Many software problems, problems with the Joypad, big disappointment.

    • Admin

      Sorry to hear that.
      Have you opened a ticket about the issues you are encountering?

  20. Artjom (verified owner)

    After 4 months of waiting it has finally arrived. Boy was I happy! I love it and extremely happy with the device. Yes, there are some issue with the software (which btw is an completely independent project unrelated to 8bcraft), the hardware part is well built. I wish the volume button was bigger and I wouldn’t need a credit card or a knife to take out the sdcard, but these are just minor issues that do not distract from the play.

    Throughout the whole waiting time I was in constant communication with the team because the tracking number didn’t have many updates, and they were patient enough to reply and query their supplier.

  21. ROUFNA Production (verified owner)

    Parfait !
    La console est solide et la prise en main est très bonne.
    L’écran est magnifique !
    Et le son est excellent !
    J’ai fait un test sur la retrostone2 ici:
    Je la recommande !

  22. Emmanuel Seguin (verified owner)

    Super produit !
    Mais l’image système qui est en version bêta et qui présente quelques bugs et encore quelques améliorations à faire… donc en attendant une version stable je ne met que 3 étoiles pour l’instant.
    Mais sinon dans l’ensemble elle est vraiment génial cette console.

  23. Emlyn Lang (verified owner)

    Brilliant device, really happy with it. Feels very well made.

  24. Rick Reynolds (verified owner)

    I’ve owned both the raspiboy and the first retrostone, and the retrostone2 is the best model yet. I’m very pleased to have this handheld RetroPie device. Improvements that I’m most excited about in this model:

    * the new screen is a big improvement!
    * the on-board wireless networking is a big help in management and in adding new games
    * the power switch has a software hook to properly shutdown with just a button press

    The build quality is solid – no complaints. Looking forward to many hours of gameplay with it.

  25. Console Tribe

    Alla fine della nostra prova, RetroStone 2 si è rivelato un degno erede del già convincente predecessore, del quale è riuscito a limare tutte le criticità che avevamo riscontrato a suo tempo in fase di recensione. L’hardware firmato 8BCraft, difatti, ci ha restituito la piacevolissima esperienza di emulazione già sperimentata (pur al netto delle ovvie criticità specifiche), accompagnando il tutto con la consueta cura costruttiva e, finalmente, la presenza di uno schermo capace di rendere giustizia ai nostri vecchi amori videoludici. Aggiungete al tutto un sistema adesso più stabile e reattivo, il benvenuto modulo bluetooth ed una discreta dose di modifiche opzionali, ed ecco che avrete tra le mani un discreto oggettino, capace di farvi avere sempre a portata di tasca tutti i vostri videogiochi preferiti dei tempi che furono.

  26. antbousquet (verified owner)

    The product is definitely excellent, but i’m a bit unconfortable with the fact that a new console is anounced while the software developpment of the RS2 is not over yet (no access to the NAND memory, ssd support, …). At this time, Retropie developpement seems on stand by on the device.
    I’ll advice you to wait and see if there is further developpment

  27. De Su (verified owner)

    Im now 13y old again and im nearly 40y! Fast deliver and good quality! Take me approx 15 min and rs2 will be ready to use! No problems and no errors… easy tutorial for all important! thx for this

  28. Michael Ashmen (verified owner)

    I recently purchased the Retrostone 2, overall, I would have to say I’m happy with this portable emulation console. It is very well built and customizable. In box came 2 more sets of buttons of different colors as well as different silicone pads, each providing a different tactile feel depending on your playing style. The screen is excellent and the soft shutdown is a nice addition to the previous model.

    As far as the software, I purchased the non-pro model Retrostone 2, but had to flash the Pro version of the software onto the MicroSD card, for some reason, the standard version of Retrorangepi kept crashing, the Pro version has worked without any issues.

    Gameplay performance is good up to about PS1 era. For good GBA emulation speed, place a GBA bios file in the bios folder, this will improve speed immensely.

    I don’t have much experience with many other portable emulation consoles, in 2023, the market is completely saturated with them. I would however, recommend the Retrostone 2 due to it being open source, customizable, hackable, and easy to disassemble and repair.

  29. Francesco Cangioli (verified owner)

    Really nice, easy to set up and well built.

    It’s really a retrogame console with all the modern frattura and technology.

    Good seller!

  30. Philippe DRMOLA (verified owner)

    Review également postée sur Trustpilot.

    Vive la France ! J’ai commandé une Retrostone2 le 26/11/2024. Alors oui il faut lire les forums (la protection d’écran à un film plastique de protection, qui fait croire que c’est rayé mais non !!!) Bref, je suis informaticien et je connais bien linux mais il faut aussi maitriser raspberry (on découvre assez facilement mais ne vous limitez pas qu’aux tutos du site ^^).

    Initialement je voulais faire découvrir les jeux de ma jeunesse (gb / nes) à mon fiston mais ….. j’en ai acheté une deuxième pour moi aujourd’hui… En tous cas, bravo au(x) concepteur(s). Vivement la 3.


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