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RetroStone – Update 17 – Limited edition and packaging pictures

Hey guys,

I just received pictures of an assembled clear blue RetroStone, and I think it looks really neat 🙂

I had to blur the display because I got picture with copyrighted data on them!

Deep blue

Deep blue left – light blue right

They feedback that the color difference don’t show a lot on pictures but in real life it looks more different.


Packaging pictures

We received the first thermoformed blister, it’s transparant and glossy instead of matte and black (or white maybe), but it gives an idea and validate the 3D shape.

They are currently sending to me the clear blue case retrostone + all the packaging samples. So I’ll be able to feel them.

Let me know if you enjoyed the update, and don’t hesitate if you have a comment/questions,

Have a good day,




2 thoughts on “RetroStone – Update 17 – Limited edition and packaging pictures

  1. I really like the look of the blue one and I think the packaging box compliments the unit well. Has a decision been made yet on whether it will be the dark or light blue colour?

    1. Finally it’ll be the light blue!

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